The Skeleton Crew MC
1% GTA Online Crew

SKEL MC was created in 2016 and established itself in the MC community as a force to be reckoned with. Partnered with other MCs, we helped create many inter-club events and war sessions. After many hard-fought battles throughout the years, SKEL MC is still actively recruiting for GTA and remains dominant on the battlefield.

Structure and Strength
SKEL is known for their strength and resilience in battle and our members have reaped the rewards of combining our GTA knowledge. Our MC offers a wide range of events and support for GTA that helped build the ever-growing crew to what it is today. We are always looking for like-minded players who want to benefit from wearing our patch and join the SKEL family.
To join SKEL you must agree to our bylaws, listed in our discord. We have restrictions on certain weapons and vehicles in free-roam and we ask our members to respect each other, as well as to always provide backup when requested. There is an established chain of command, a process to join, event structure and support for other games. This structure has created a strong community that is constantly growing.