Rockstar Featured, est. 2016
GTA Online - PC

Established on April 28th, 2016, SKEL MC has risen to be one of the most recognized and feared crews in GTA Online. Our united club has expanded across Los Santos with three chapters: Sandy Shores, Rebel Hills and Vespucci with our mother chapter in Vinewood. Since our founding we have expanded into a wide variety of games, creating a thriving community for all players of all skill ranges and interests. Our clubhouse doors are open, veteran and new players alike are welcome to join our Hangaround crew and see what SKEL has to offer.

Skeleton Crew MC
GTA Online
We are looking for new Hangarounds who are interested in all things GTA, especially great looking motorcycles. We ride everything from the classic Chopper bikes to Street bikes. Potential members start out in our Hangaround Chapter until sponsored by a fully-patched member.
SKEL 193
Los Santos Domination
Outlaws at Large
Our crew comes armed and well prepared to take on anyone in GTA. We offer a large group of players ready to assist you in any and all activities in GTAO. Weekly events in both US and EU friendly time slots makes it easy to get online with anyone and cause mayhem on the streets of Los Santos, and our members have a reputation for never being without backup.
Active Crew, Daily Events
Are you looking for a community of active members and regular events? The Skeleton Crew's daily to weekly activities include: MC Churches, TDM playlists and tournaments, heists, car/bike meets, racing playlists and the list goes on. SKEL has membership spanning across the world and has a wide variety of activities throughout the week.
18+, Discord VC
Discord voice chat participation is mandatory to join this crew. We use voice chat to better communicate with each other, a microphone will be required. Thanks to our server boosters, we have access to excellent audio and stream quality.